You Polyglot

Study languages with YouTube videos and their subtitles


Master new languages with your favorite content.

No one learns with grammar rules. The right way to learn is to expose yourself to a lot of content in the language you chose to learn.

Learn languages using Youtube and Subtitles

Assista e Aprenda

• Watch YouTube videos directly on LingHack while reading the subtitles
• With a single click, translate words and learn new vocabulary
• Transform your time watching videos into a fun and effective learning experience!

Learn these languages:
Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Korean ...

Vast Library

Explore an extensive library of subtitled videos in the language you want to learn.

Instant Translation

Watch, pause, rewind, and translate words with just one click.


Import YouTube videos that you are interested in studying.

Increase your vocabulary and get used to the language naturally. This is the method that many polyglots around the world use to study.